Friday, November 2, 2012

The Show

A large portion of our facial expressions are lost if we wear glasses. Those of us, who bear the scars of ageing, look like wizened old fools with glasses. And if we don't clean our glasses everyday, half the things we want to communicate gets lost in the process of face to face conversation or even acting. Over time, our facial muscles freeze. We stop trying to emote with our face, rather we modulate our voice or control our unforced bodily impulses. But our faces express so much! How can we not desire to let go of glasses and reveal our entire face to people.

My naked eyes have a dreamy lost expression chained to them perpetually. Maybe, this expression was evoked because, on reflection from a mirror, the eyes were looking back at themselves after a lapse of 14 years. Eyes finding eyes. Realizing they are not the color we supposed them to be. Realizing that the face beneath the eyes has lines which mark the moments when we had to tighten our faces and bear through the best or worst of times. With glasses, you fail to share yourself completely with people. But who wants that part of the bargain? I took off my glasses. I wanted to put down my guards and meet you with all my troubles, lining my frame  like a silhouette. Till I realized, that silhouette, like my pair of lenses wont come off at the right moment.

Because you just wanted the happy moments between us, when we shared interesting or funny thoughts and laughed or lamented together. You never wanted to know you might be the cause of the lament or the reason behind the happy thought.

As you rightly put, its fun knowing me as a person, talking and learning about so many new things. An intellectual companionship. But that's about it! Don't overstep because there is nothing more for you.

I will go back to my glasses. I realized there is no point revealing my eyes to everyone.

Because the eyes express so much.